Thursday, May 04, 2006

whisky club... greg's challenge

we had whisky club 3 last night at mr crain's house. a very pleasant evening, despite the slight eclectic geography of the selection, throwing craig's map into disarray. it was all going well until rob brought down his 16 year old... bowmore that is. sweet sweet bowmore.

it was only meant to provide an extra measure for those who had missed out on the last drops of the previous bottle. then noam suggested we purchase the rest of the bottle from rob. £5 each. we did, and the rest is history. that's quite a lot of whisky that got drunk last night, and i feel greg may be regretting his milk challenge: to drink 4 (or 8?) pints of full fat milk in half an hour, without chundering. i suspect that the nature of the Challenge will be discussed at length at coffee this morning.

i, for one, don't feel too bad at all this morning - it just shows you what a difference the 'good stuff' makes.


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