Monday, August 28, 2006

Dreams of loneliness, like a heartbeat drives you mad in the stillness of remembering what you had.

I have been having some very intense dreams of late... the sort when you wake up and it takes you a few seconds to realise you're back in reality.

The dream I had last night (amongst other things) prompted me to make a back up of all my important work on my laptop to the RAID at work... let's just call it a premonition. It also made me think that I should buy myself an iMac to provide some redundancy on the old data front. I'm also running very low on memory on my powerbook.

The dream I had involved an armed robbery (with a twist), involving me losing my laptop... the conclusion of the dream posed me witha moral dilemma, the details of which I can't go into here... needless to say it was all very real. Dreams fascinate me - I'd like to try what Feynman claimed he managed, and be able to control and 'experience' my dreams more directly.


Blogger Mark Norris said...

I rarely have dreams, but when I do they always seem to be more controlled than many people talk about theirs. I guess thats why I dont tend to have nightmares.

12:08 PM  
Blogger NPR said...

What if you fell asleep and had a dream.
What if, in the dream, you went to heaven and found a field of beautiful flowers.
What if, you picked one of the flowers and held it in your hand.
What if you then woke up but still found in your hand the beautiful flower.
What then?

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the corrs is my life!

9:19 PM  

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