Thursday, March 30, 2006

the witching hour

they call this the witching hour. the time when all good boys should be tucked up in bed. not so for me, and i find myself back in 311, pondering questions of life, the universe, and high redshift galaxies (specifically z=2.2, and with a strong Ha line). ESO deadline looms, and there have been problems galore in WFCAM reduction and analysis. yet i think it's close. nearly done.

took a break with norris to the Howlands pub quiz -- we were joined by noam later. we didn't win, though we didn't do badly. the beer round was ours -- a small victory in a sea of defeat. i appreciate john putting on hounds of love by kate bush -- somehow i knew it would be on the music round. i put it down to ESP, and our discussion in 311 about the futurehead's cover of it.