Thursday, September 07, 2006

rubbish like this just isn't worth the photons emitted from my CRT

i'm watching the one show on bbc 1. i've had the misfortune to catch this programme a couple of times now, and the concept has been the same each time i've seen it:

1) tv 'naturalist' kate humble has a look at some animals around the british isles (frankly i've had enough of that with the ubiquitous 'animal park' -- a show without any point, and it seems, without end)

2) some 'trendy' accountant or finance expert telling us we're borrowing too much, and how to save money on credit cards.

3) some rubbish about the latest health trend

4) some mind-numbing-time-filling-thoughtless-unintelligent chit-chat between the presenters -- more interested in their own wise cracks than any 'guest' they happen to have on the couch.

in the style of points of view: why oh why oh why oh why do we have to put up (and pay!) for this crap?


Blogger jps said...

i wholeheartedly agree

10:49 PM  

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