Thursday, September 14, 2006

earliest memory of my scientific mind

i remember the first time i got a bollocking at school. i was about 5 i guess, and we were given a booklet to work through. the first exercise was based on spatial chromatic theory -- colouring in essentially. we were presented with an outline of a shape we could recognise and then had to colour it in, keeping in the lines. the first one was easy - a truck. trucks clearly have black tyres, and a coloured body-work right? wrong. i had failed to read the instructions, which stated 'colour me red'. let's neglect the concept of a talking vehicle for a moment... red tyres?! what planet are we on?

unfortunately it was too late, and i was already colouring in the tyres with black. impatience has been a character flaw which has dogged my scientific career so far (and probably will continue). needless to say, i got shouted at (despite my version being more pertinant to the real world)...


Blogger jps said...

I remember once we had to make a paper mache alien in groups at primary school. Our unpainted alien looked magnificent. The school had just purchased some acid green,orange, red etc paints - like the colours of highlighter pens. these colours were all the rage at the time and at school we referred to them as *illuminous*. however I suggested we paint the alien using normal paints to make him rather more gruesome than an extra from gilberts fridge *look that up on wikipedia*. He looked great but the teacher went mental for us using *wishy washy colours*. He got repainted dayglow and looked shit.

4:10 PM  
Blogger jim said...

*illuminous* we used this in our schooll too

4:13 PM  

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