Saturday, April 22, 2006

simple news ticker for mac desktop

just written a nice little script to update my desktop with news from the bbc rss feed -- it requires the module, and geektool to get it to display every N seconds on the desktop. here's the code:

import feedparser
import urllib2
from os import *
from sys import *
from random import choice

proxy = your proxy path
proxy_support = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http" :proxy})
d = feedparser.parse('',

ff = stdout
C = choice(d['entries'])
news= C['summary']
date = C['updated']
try:ff.write(news+' '+date)

john's in for a treat

just come into work, and it looks like john is in for a real treat when he gets in on monday. there is a nice new, large flatscreen monitor on the filing cabinet, i assume just waiting for his new xgpc to replace cerridwen. very nice

Friday, April 21, 2006

new carpet

an update on john's post below about a new carpet in the coffee room: the carpet is now down and fully functional. noam pointed out that it seems to have clearly delineated regions for walking on and sitting -- coloured navy blue and a tasteful grey respectively. i for one welcome the new carpet and its authorative tones.

i wonder how long before the first stain will appear? i noticed today that john was eating one of those exceptionally crumbly 'flapjacks', which scattered crumbs (through no fault of john's i might add) onto the new carpet.

i suggest they next re-arrange the seating. i don't like the regimental columnar design at the moment.

badly written code - when codes go bad

in our line of work, badly written codes don't do a serious amount of damage -- they may for example crash a computer, or obliterate some important data. in the real world, bad code can be more frightening. check out this story i saw on slashdot a minute ago:

"An article at CNN's website reports on a serious software bug at the Atlanta airport." From the article: "TSA screeners are given tests around the clock to check their alertness. Images of bombs and other suspicious devices that are hard to detect are put up on the X-ray machine, followed after a brief delay by an alert that reads, 'This is a test.' After reviewing a tape of the images, Hawley said the software failed to alert the screener of the test."

i'm wondering whether anyone has every lost their life due to badly written codes?

lord of of the ring (galaxy)

norris wants to go to new zealand for some conference. looking at the website it seems to be styled in the way of the recent 'lord of the rings' films. john and i were wondering what sort of astro-related stuff they could be talking about in the conference:
  • The SAURON (the all seeing IFU)?
  • awk commands
  • the one ring galaxy (note -- i added the 'one')
  • dwarf galaxies
there are probably more

Thursday, April 20, 2006

guess who just got back today?

that wild eye'd boy who'd been away.

well, i wasn't away for that long, and there were no sacrifices down West, despite what norris may have read.

got the train at 7:30 this morn, and straight into the office -- that's my dedication to the Cause. on the other hand, i do seem to be writing the blog rather than catching up on work. nevermind -- put in a full day tomorrow!