Thursday, November 09, 2006

john, have you been for a tom tit this morning?

please interpret the title of this post as some compensation to the fact that i am not in the office, and john appears to be experiencing 'lewd behaviour withdrawel' ... that's the sort of thing that gets said in the office.

i have not abandoned 311, and i hope to furnish you with funny experiences i have on the trip... plus can i say, good luck for your talk (today?) john.

things are ok here, though i am feeling a bit rough... i'm topping myself up with a variety of 'tang' related 'juices' they have here at HP. i just had some fruit punch.... i filled up a cup with the substance and started drinking it down, only to notice that this stuff is concentrate, and i think you're supposed to add water. didn't taste too bad as it was. i added some token water anyway, just to 'fit in'

hope all is well that side, keep me informed of interesting events.

Monday, November 06, 2006

the best book i have ever seen

i have, perhaps, just seen the best book ever made. perfect coffeetable material. it was the Sun's guide to major scientific discoveries. basically, through the medium of the sun front page, all the major scientific and technological breakthroughs ever made are broken down into punch headline format. check it out in waterstones in town if you get a chance!

follow this link for some examples -- the book is called 'giant leaps'